Biological Warfare: a report from inside

This is a direct report from an inside member of Matir Asurim. Mr. Clark asked Matir Asurim to share his this report so that people will know what he experienced. No action is requested other than spreading awareness.

Posted with healing prayers.

Caution: disturbing details shared here, without edit.


On Wednesday June 19th a day of celebration for most, I returned from RMC's (Reception Medical Center) from having a total knee replacement, only to find out that P dorms administrator's had used a unsanitary quarantine cell to not only sabotage the surgery and infect the 7 and a half inch open wound in my knee, but infect me with an infectious rash and disease that the last man housed in this cage 5118 had.

A man that spent two weeks in a quarantine cell 4128. During those two weeks this quarantined cell here 5118 was never thoroughly sanitized, for that matter it wasn't even swept or mopped. And when the guys on the floor tried to get in here to sweep it and mop it, the control room officer announced on the intercom, "We can't let you in until the mattress and pillow are removed, there infected." And when the guys heard that I was coming on the wing to this cell, they once again tried to clean the cell, only to be told no. There was no mistake about it, this cell was one the filthiest cells that I've ever moved into!!!'' Hands down it had human blood on the floor, a huge dead cockroach two inches long or more, laying on its back right in the middle of the floor, which was what your eyes went to when they first open the cell door. After that you seen months and months worth of dirt and debris all over the floor, dried food splashed on the wall, food particles on the desk, shelf and bed. A vent that was so clogged up that air circulation couldn't be drawn through it.

As they removed the handcuffs and I stood there looking at this filth, I was angry at the human being who was living like this, and left me to clean up his filth. I immediately turned to the officer, who had just removed the handcuffs, and who had nothing to do with this sick twisted conspiracy to sabotage my surgery, and I asked him for a broom mop and chemicals. He said I'll see what I can do. As the officers left the wing, the guys on the floor began telling me, "RC don't lay on or touch that mattress," and they described how the control room officer announced that, and how my property was brought on to the floor and placed in cell 5115 a clean cell, only for them to come down a short while later, and move my property from there, into into this pigsty! I thanked them for that information (information that was further confirmed by staff members the next day during day room) as they sent me what cleaning supplies they had, and I began working on cleaning the mattress and pillow which has plastic cover's on them.

I waited to see if the officer would return with the broom and mop, which he did return a short while later with them and chemicals, only to ask how long I would need them. I looked around as our eyes went over the filth, and said, "as you can see, its going to be a couple of hours minimum, and I'm on a knee that has just went through total knee replacement five days ago." He was understanding and compassionate about the situation. Wish other's had that mentality, the world would be a better place, as would the Florida Dept of Corrections.

I would spend over two hours sweeping, and then mopping and scrubbing the floor over and over again just to get the first layer's of filth off the floor and the stench of urine. I first spent over 45 minutes cleaning the sink and toilet, a sink that had black stains in it, substance unidentifiable. I returned the broom and mop two and half hours later. I had done all I could do with my knee throbbing from standing on it for hours. I would struggle through the night getting little to no sleep. I began my cleaning and trying to sterilize this cell at 5:00 am that continued until 1:00 pm.

My classification officer made her weekly rounds during that time, and seen me down on one knee with a soapy rag scrubbing the floor. I would then scrub every inch of the walls and ceiling, hoping to get any and all forms of this infectious disease removed. I don't know if I've accomplished that, only time will tell. But what was accomplished in this 21st century biological warfare fiasco, is they just woke a sleeping giant. Yes their reading this from their computers, where they monitor these emails, and as you laugh and giggle about this, I want you to remember, I tried to lay low, I tried to let y'all run this building as unprofessionally as you could without making a stink. And for the most part you left me be, although I still heard the sly comments behind my back as you smiled in my face. I can't say that it wasn't nice to coexist in this hellhole. But it just wasn't meant to be. They sparked an ember that lit the fire of my passion to write and fight for much needed change. Change of P dorm administrator's who have gotten away with far too much, far too long. Yes I'm back, remember who I am, remember what I know. I will be providing this and other information to the the Florida House Rep's and Senators. And in the invent I am infected, I will be taking legal action. This isn't a game! Its infectious disease, scabies (a contagious itching skin disease caused by a mite.) biohazard blood that should have been handled with care, the same care under the care custody and control mechanisms in your standards! You can retaliate, reprisal is not beneath you, but remember I have Judge Howard's eyes, and a wife that want stand for it.

Regretfully Submitted Ronald W. Clark Jr. Friday June 21,2024

For some reference: The photo below shows a standard cell, in a relatively hygienic state, in Florida Department of Corrections.

Photo found in 2012 Business Insider story about Florida prisons. Credit is a broken hyperlink to Florida DOC.

Image Description: prison cell with clean metal sink inches from cot, which is covered with thin blanket and pillow.


Info and Orientation: Sep 9


Tales of the Unbound!