Month: August 2024

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    The Elul edition of Divrei Matir Asurim listed the execution of Loran Kenstley Cole as upcoming. Mr. Cole has since been executed. Here is an update from WUFT, NPR/PBS station for North Central Florida, and more on this case from Death Penalty Information Center. Please also see this important statement from Floridians for Alternatives to…

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    The Season of Return & The Carceral State: A Conversation with Professor Robin Bernstein. Wed, Sep 25 8PM ET. Join Matir Asurim and Professor Robin Bernstein, author of Freeman’s Challenge, for a discussion on rethinking our assumptions about the American carceral state and centering the voices of incarcerated people. We will dive into the history…

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    We might think we’re supposed to be entering the season of return with all the answers or with perfect faith. But a seasonal psalm and some lessons from the July “States of Solitary” convening in Washington, DC suggest that we can — no, should — show up with own confusions, doubts, and questions.  The July…

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    Interested in creating Jewish communities across and beyond prison walls, resourcing and supporting incarcerated Jews, and organizing for a world without prisons? Join Matir Asurim for a new member orientation, to find out about our work and organizing model, get to know others involved in Matir Asurim and prisoner support organizing, and how you can…