Fringes, Still in the Wilderness

New this month in Torah Explorations:

Still in the Wilderness” — some thoughts on holiness, crowds, and grumbling (Numbers 8 – 18).

What Will We Make Different this Year?” by Jay Stanton, plus more thoughts on “fringes.”

READ AND SHARE Divrei Matir Asurim [Matir Asurim Words/Matter]: Follow the links above to read on-line, and/or download the whole Tammuz edition in formatted version or straight text.

CREATE AND SHARE: Divrei Matir Asurim is also seeking material for future Torah Explorations. We welcome thoughts on Torah text, practice and prayer, and other reflections relating to Matir Asurim’s work.

General guidelines:

We know that our incarcerated community members have powerful Torah to offer us, and we know that abolition must be and will be led by those directly impacted by prisons – which is to say that this is not a charity project. This is a strategy of care. We are creating these resources as points of connection and as a way to build a spiritual practice with our expansive Jewish community.

Submissions should be accessible – avoid academic language, jargon, acronyms, define all Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino or non-English words. When creating content, there is a balance between writing from your heart while also being aware of the power dynamics between inside/outside community members. We ask that everyone who is contributing (especially those who do not have direct experience with the prison system) be mindful of their unique positionality while creating content.

If you have questions or material to share, contact the editor: ethreporter at

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